1. What are your qualifications to be a County Commissioner for Precinct 2?
2. What do you see as the single most important issue facing Precinct 2?
Growth - either we plan for it or it will run over us. Most of us have witnessed the tremendous increase in population and the issues that come with it. I have personally witnessed the population explosion in places like Rockwall, Frisco, Allen and McKinney. By trying to repeat their successes and recognize their failures, I plan on insuring the quality of life that brought so many new people to our area.
3. How do you plan to address the issue mentioned above?
One of my areas of responsibility for the county is transportation. People want to be able to travel to work and back on safe, efficient roadways. Businesses need a transportation system to move their employees and goods/services efficiently also. Planning for future growth will help decrease the amount of time we spend stuck in traffic.
By utilizing our subdivision regulations and working with developers we can insure the quality, and in some cases the quantity of new construction that is going to occur.
As a supporter of law enforcement, I will continue to look for ways to increase patrols within the county and keep the bad elements of our society out of Kaufman County.
4. As a commissioner, what steps would you take to address security concerns at the Kaufman County courthouse?
This is a very difficult issue to solve as there are so many concerns to consider. The tragedies of the past year exposed the need for up to date security, yet the Texas Historical Commission fails to recognize our needs and they continue to press for removal of our current security vestibule.
Another question that arises is why should someone have to be searched to get a marriage license, seek veteran assistance or even speak to their commissioner?
By relocating essential law enforcement, judicial personnel would solve some of these issues but could be a costly solution. We are currently exploring all options that may resolve our problems while being aware of financial constraints that we have acknowledged.
5. How would you utilize the $1 million allocated to Precinct 2 from the Kaufman County Transportation bond for road materials?
Asphalt, Asphalt, Asphalt. No new money will be spent on equipment, personnel or supplies. An asphalt surface will provide a safe, comfortable roadway that will require less maintenance than the roads we currently maintain. By utilizing the newest techniques such as cement stabilization and a thinner layer of asphalt, we would be able to resurface more miles of road, hence reducing the annual maintenance costs.
Since some our concrete roads are over 30 years old, they are going to require repairs that are very expensive to complete. If we reduce the annual cost of maintenance, the money saved should be earmarked for the concrete repairs that are sure to increase in the future.
- Lifetime resident of Forney, have seen both the good and bad times
- Currently the senior member on the court
- Completed over 350 hours continuing education training
- Served in dozens of community organizations
- Have cultivated relationships with regional and state officials to further the goals of the county
- Have the ability to get things done, check my record on the completion of both county roads and state roads that languished for decades that are now completed or scheduled for completion this year.
2. What do you see as the single most important issue facing Precinct 2?
Growth - either we plan for it or it will run over us. Most of us have witnessed the tremendous increase in population and the issues that come with it. I have personally witnessed the population explosion in places like Rockwall, Frisco, Allen and McKinney. By trying to repeat their successes and recognize their failures, I plan on insuring the quality of life that brought so many new people to our area.
3. How do you plan to address the issue mentioned above?
One of my areas of responsibility for the county is transportation. People want to be able to travel to work and back on safe, efficient roadways. Businesses need a transportation system to move their employees and goods/services efficiently also. Planning for future growth will help decrease the amount of time we spend stuck in traffic.
By utilizing our subdivision regulations and working with developers we can insure the quality, and in some cases the quantity of new construction that is going to occur.
As a supporter of law enforcement, I will continue to look for ways to increase patrols within the county and keep the bad elements of our society out of Kaufman County.
4. As a commissioner, what steps would you take to address security concerns at the Kaufman County courthouse?
This is a very difficult issue to solve as there are so many concerns to consider. The tragedies of the past year exposed the need for up to date security, yet the Texas Historical Commission fails to recognize our needs and they continue to press for removal of our current security vestibule.
Another question that arises is why should someone have to be searched to get a marriage license, seek veteran assistance or even speak to their commissioner?
By relocating essential law enforcement, judicial personnel would solve some of these issues but could be a costly solution. We are currently exploring all options that may resolve our problems while being aware of financial constraints that we have acknowledged.
5. How would you utilize the $1 million allocated to Precinct 2 from the Kaufman County Transportation bond for road materials?
Asphalt, Asphalt, Asphalt. No new money will be spent on equipment, personnel or supplies. An asphalt surface will provide a safe, comfortable roadway that will require less maintenance than the roads we currently maintain. By utilizing the newest techniques such as cement stabilization and a thinner layer of asphalt, we would be able to resurface more miles of road, hence reducing the annual maintenance costs.
Since some our concrete roads are over 30 years old, they are going to require repairs that are very expensive to complete. If we reduce the annual cost of maintenance, the money saved should be earmarked for the concrete repairs that are sure to increase in the future.