Kaufman County, Texas – Four horses and a donkey were rescued earlier this week by the Gentle Zoo of Forney, Texas. The animals were neglected after their owner fell under medical and financial hardships.
Although the horses have technically been rescued, they still need a home closer to Forney during their recovery. According to Gentle Zoo owner Rebecca Deisler, that could take months, if not a year or more. On Wednesday, March 27, 2013, the owner signed the animals over to Deisler and the work began.
Deisler said the animals will stay at their original home in Kaufman County until a place is found somewhere closer to the Gentle Zoo. Currently, the Gentle Zoo doesn't have the space available to take on all the animals and are seeking help from the public to board the animals.
On Monday, the animals are scheduled to visit the vet where they will be further assessed on their conditions. They will need hay, feed, medications, and vaccinations to become healthy again before they can be adopted.
Throw Away Ponies in Rockwall, Texas, stepped in to help with the donations and the adoption process after the animals are rehabilitated. Deisler said that good quality horse hay could be donated to the Gentle Zoo and all other donations are being requested as monetary to help purchase the specific feed and veterinary needs of each animal.
Donations can be made to the Gentle Zoo for the rehabilitation of the animals by visiting the Throw Away Ponies website here: http://www.throwawayponies.org/#!donate/cgea. Please note “Gentle Zoo” when making donations.
To help with boarding, contact the Gentle Zoo via Facebook, by e-mail cs@gentlezoo.com, or by phone at (469) 834-2857.
The Gentle Zoo is located at 12600 FM 2932, Forney, Texas 75126 and online at www.gentlezoo.com.